
His Highness!

Chic, powerful, smart kitten Maine Coon Sheikh (caramel's Sheikh)! Cream color marble on the silver with white! Born on December 19, 2018. Gorgeous baby mainkun, with thick legs, gorgeous coat, rare silver color. The character of the Sheikh - as befits royalty: strict, but sweet! Loves to eat, enjoys playing on his hands and likes to talk to / meow, I love this cat! Котенок мейн кун Шейх из питомника Caramel

КKitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel

Kitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel

Kitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel

Kitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel

Kitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel

Kitten Maine Coon Sheikh from kennel Caramel
