
Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon, cat, color d 25. Born on April 2, 2018. Kotofey is a very beautiful boy, he has a fluffy fur coat, big brushes and a cheerful character! Cat in a beautiful type, with high ears, strong bones and a gorgeous tail! hcm-nn

рыжий мейн кун

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coo

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coo

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,

Caramel's Kotofey, red ticked kitten Maine Coon,


mam: RU*Caramel's Guссi,  ds 22, hsm - nn

pap:   RU*Caramel's Sherhan, п 25, hsm - nn

 ICH Elphinstone Yanika*DE, MCO, f,  HCM: n/n

 JCH IT*Shonycoon's Zurbriggen, maine coon, ds 22, HCM: n/n

 Stallers Matryoshka, f 25,  MCO, hsm - nn

Ellincat's Cleo, d 22, MCO, hsm - nn

Elphinstone Diva*DE, MCO

Bayo Silvi-Cola*PL

IT'Shonycoon's Shanon, MCO

Langstteich's Nu'Grappa Monte, MCO

Unicum Lullaby Crash, mco, n25, .  HCM: n/n

Ticasi FP Schubert, ds 2203,   MCO,  HCM: n/n

Ellincat's Xena, MCO

 Ch AT'Candycoon's Quaere Et Invenies, MCO
